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Aren't You Forgetting Something?

“Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. The flight is scheduled to fly from Adelaide to Sydney with an expected flight duration of 2 hours and is going to take off in another 15 minutes, thank you." “How do I survive 2 hours?”, this was the question that kept running through my head while I was walking towards my seat. As I reached to my seat row, I wasn’t sure which one was my seat and seeing the confused look on my face, a flight attendant approached me and my jaw dropped. I had never seen anyone so beautiful in my life and I stared at her in awe. “Sir, may I know your seat number?” she asked, to which I replied, “No.” Confused upon hearing what she heard, she said, “I’m sorry, I don’t understand.” I was in a state of total admiration that I had no idea what I was saying. Realizing what had just happened, I quickly composed myself and said, “I’m sorry I mean 7A, I’m confused as to which seat is A.” “No worries, the aisle seat is yours”, she said and I thank

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